domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

Mis primos en Lima

En poco tiempo transcurrido he tenido la suerte de compartir días con mis primos de México de parte papá: Hayar y Pucho y Venezuela de parte mamá: Beto y Nacho, han estado de visita por Lima, y claro hemos tenido oportunidad de salir y no va ser después de tiempo q no nos vemos.

Para ellos va este post y las fotos del recuerdo vuelvan pronto los quiero mucho.

Hayar, Pucho y yo en Mamá Batata

Yahaira, Beto, Yo e Ifath en Libar

Nacho y yo en la Noche

An Honest Mistake

the bravery - AN HONEST MISTAKE

They don't mean a thing to you
They move right through you
Just like your breath

But sometimes
I still think of you
And I just wanted to
Just wanted you to know
My old friend...

I swear I never meant for this
I never meant...

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake

I forget I'm still awake
I fuck up and say these things out loud
My old friend...

I swear I never meant for this
I never meant...

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake